Thank You Nevada County, for voting us Best Place to Work & Best Solar Company

Author: Laura Petersen

Thanks to Nevada County voters, California Solar Electric Company has been named the “Best Place to Work” and “Best Solar Company” as part of The Union’s annual reader contest, Best of Nevada County 2020. 

Thanks to Nevada County voters, California Solar Electric Company has been named the “Best Place to Work” and “Best Solar Company” as part of The Union’s annual reader contest, Best of Nevada County 2020. 

Locally owned and operated in Grass Valley, the worker cooperative has over two decades of experience in the solar industry. 

California Solar’s commitment to building a more resilient Nevada County is three-fold. The company creates pathways to meaningful, good paying and rewarding careers for the people who live in this community, thus building a more sustainable local economy. By designing and building renewable and dependable energy systems, the company gives local and regional home and business owners like Moule Paint and Glass, BriarPatch Food Co-op and Nevada Theatre peace of mind through greater independence, financial and energy security. 

BriarPatch Co-op Solar Panels and Landscaping (1).jpg

“If you care about things like building resilience in our economy and building local wealth, you care about cooperatives. Co-ops keep financial value in the community where it was generated. They create living wage quality jobs, promote asset accumulation for traditionally low and moderate income residents, and shared ownership can even be a way to preserve small businesses and save good jobs when owners retire.

Co-ops are transparent and accountable businesses that operate with the community in mind. Wouldn't you rather have someone installing solar on your home that owns their business and wants to stay in business 10, 20, 30 years from now?,” said Operations Manager Angelica Niblock.

Over the years, California Solar has built a solid reputation for quality. The company has designed and installed some of California’s first grid tied solar electric systems and some of the most unique commercial systems in the nation. 

In 2019, California Solar became the first worker-owned solar co-op in the state. The individuals who work at Cal Solar represent a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping customers find their best options for achieving maximum savings on their utility bill. Whether it be for a residential, offgrid, or an energy storage system, California Solar employees always deliver the best solar solution to meet their customer’s unique needs. 

How do they do this? By investing in the company, participating in ongoing and rigorous training, and staying up-to-date on current solar trends, technology and the best installation practices. Cal Solar is proud to have more journeyman electricians than any other local solar company. It’s a place where people want to work and look forward to their day. 

Every year, California Solar takes it a step further, by giving back through donations and volunteerism to community organizations that create a just and kinder world like South Yuba River Citizens League (SYRCL), Sierra Harvest, FREED Center for Independent Living and Hospitality House.

Thank You for voting for us Nevada County! Stay tuned for more great things in 2021! 

Our amazing installation crew!

Our amazing installation crew!


California Solar Electric Company becomes first Certified B Corp in Nevada County 


Building a Resilient Community